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Franchise Your Business book

by iFranchise Group
CEO, Mark Siebert

The Ultimate How-To Guide on Franchising Your Business

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Expert Franchise Consulting Services for Emerging & Established Franchisors

Leonard Swartz - Franchise Consultant

Leonard Swartz, CFE

Senior Advisor
iFranchise Group

Area of Franchise Expertise

Strategic Franchise Development and Business Planning:
Strategic Planning, International Development

Over the course of a 60 year career in franchising, Mr. Swartz has been the president of six different firms and a senior executive at four more, including prominent franchisors Dunkin’ Donuts, a division of Snelling & Snelling, ADECCO (Adia Services), Dunhill Personnel, Postal Instant Press (PIP Printing), Chicken Unlimited, and a division of ITT. His “hands-on” experience is unmatched in franchising.

After spending some 30 years in senior franchise management positions, Mr. Swartz spent a decade heading the international franchise practice of Arthur Andersen as their Worldwide Managing Director of Franchise Services. He was also an advisor to Horwath International, an integrated organization of independent accounting and management consulting firms, with more than 110 member and correspondent firms with offices in cities throughout the world. In his various consulting roles as a franchise business consultant, Mr. Swartz has provided consulting services to dozens of Fortune 2000 businesses, as well as to hundreds of smaller franchisors, in over 45 countries.

Mr. Swartz is a noted authority on international franchising, and has authored numerous articles on both international franchising and franchising in general. He is a member of the Franchise and Business Advisory Committee to the North American Security Administrators Association (NASAA) and has been a speaker on numerous occasions at franchise shows and conventions around the world.

Mr. Swartz, who was awarded the International Franchise Association’s CFE (Certified Franchise Executive) designation, is active in the International Franchise Association (IFA), and during his 60 years as a member is, or has been, on the International Affairs Committee; the Counsel of Franchise Suppliers Advisory Board of Governors; the Finance, Audit, and Budget Committee, the Veterans Affairs Committee. He was Trustee of the International Franchise Associations’ Educational Foundation and a member of the board and Treasurer of the Certified Franchise Executives Committee.

Mr Swartz was awarded the IFA’s Bill Rosenberg Leadership Award for lifetime achievement in franchising in 2011 – one of a few people to achieve this honor in the history of the International Franchise Association.

A Certified Public Accountant, Mr. Swartz is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts, the Illinois and Massachusetts CPA Society, and is an Associate Member of the American Bar Association, as well as a former member of the North American Securities Association. He received his Bachelors Degree with Honors from Northeastern University, and has completed graduate work in Business Administration, Marketing, and Finance.

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