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Franchise Your Business book

by iFranchise Group
CEO, Mark Siebert

The Ultimate How-To Guide on Franchising Your Business

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J. Patrick Galleher - Boxwood Partners

J. Patrick Galleher

Managing Partner, Boxwood Partners

J. Patrick Galleher is the CEO and Managing Partner of Boxwood Partners, an investment bank headquartered in Jupiter, Florida where he leads transactions for Boxwood’s M&A advisory services.

Over the past 25 years, Mr. Galleher has led sell-side transactions on over 70 engagements. At Boxwood Partners, he and his team focus on transactions in the lower middle market between $50 and $500 Million in Enterprise Value. Since 2011, Boxwood Partners has successfully completed over 35 Franchisor sell-side transactions, assisting founder and private equity-owned businesses to find strategic or private equity partners for their next stage of growth.

Prior to joining Boxwood Partners, Mr. Galleher was CEO of WILink plc (WLK:LSE), a global financial communications and compliance business headquartered in London, with operations in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Continental Europe, and Sweden. Through its IPO in 2000, Mr. Galleher became the youngest CEO on the London Stock Exchange. In 2006, he successfully led the company through a public-to-private transaction with SVIP, a NYC-based private equity group, and delisting it from the London Stock Exchange.

Mr. Galleher made a minority investment in sweetFrog Franchising, LLC in 2012. During his investment, sweetFrog grew from 15 locations to over 380 locations. In 2015, he stepped in as Chairman & CEO, until completing a successful transaction with MTY / Kahala Brands in September of 2018.

He has served on the Board of Directors for Issuer Direct (ISDR:NYSE), since 2014. He was Chairman of the Strategic Advisory and Compensation Committees.

Patrick holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Richmond, where he played golf for the Spiders. He also holds a degree from the London Business School, as well as attending the Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) in Belgium. He is a founder of the Virginia Chapter of Young President’s Organization (YPO), member of and the former Finance Chair of the Southeast U.S. and Caribbean (SEC) Region of YPO.

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