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Franchise Your Business book

by iFranchise Group
CEO, Mark Siebert

The Ultimate How-To Guide on Franchising Your Business

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Podcast: Live from the IFE in New York 

iFranchise Group CEO and expert franchise consultant, Mark Siebert, was featured in a podcast hosted by Jack Monson. Along with other industry leaders who shared their stories and insight, Mark was interviewed at the International Franchise Expo held in New York in June 2023.

In the podcast, Siebert talks about the iFranchise Group and its experience and reputation in franchise development consulting. He also discusses the decision-making process for business owners who are thinking about franchising, the benefits of franchising a business, what industry sector that is particularly “hot” in franchising today, and what to expect in the overall franchising industry in the near future.

To listen to the full podcast, please click here. (Note: the segment featuring Mark Siebert starts at the 22:43 mark.)

Posted in Franchise How-Tos and Trends.

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